Thursday 20 November 2008

Crazy Penguins

Last night, I had one of those dreams that don’t seem to flow as though you’re watching a film. It was more like a series of still montages – and although it was still, I was completely aware of the plot, the history.

I was on a mission in Africa, trying to save an endangered species of penguin from bandits poaching them for meat or to sell on the black market as some kind of rare stuffed trophy.

These were a special breed though. They were half penguin, half rainbow coloured potted plants. And they had the taste for human blood. They looked almost like a Christmas tree the way they were shaped and all the colours. They don’t waddle along; they kind of float about around waterholes you’d expect to see hippos and pink flamingos

It was a very short dream


kayaitch said...

mental, pure and simple

Sarah said...

This is why we love the sweens - totally random!