Thursday 27 November 2008

Cantankerous, Clumsy, Coo-koo

I have not been sleeping so well these last few nights. A combination of my approaching move date, and annoying drunken students walking home late, thinking that I might like to hear a high pitched version of some Take That song.

I did however manage to fall asleep long and deep enough to recall last night’s dream though.

I was skiing and broke my foot. Nice

I think having a curry and not cheese for dinner may have helped my dream not being so random (although this is the only one I remember). Does anyone actually think that cheese before bed causes disturbing dreams?

While I work out some of my final hours at work before I move, I am clearing my desk of all junk and paperwork. It’s making me recall a dream I had some months ago. I was at a media party with work. I didn’t recognise the venue, but it was pretty chic and had lots of dark rooms with high ceilings. It was perfect for avoiding people (which I think I was, as although there were a number of work people I knew there, in addition to a number of people from my personal life, including ex’s).

I had a drink and was talking to a member of my team at the time. All of a sudden, she lost her temper, started spinning, turned into a piece of paper, and then flew into a filing cabinet that suddenly appeared next to me. The draw then slammed shut.

The rest of the time, I just remember dodging and diving around this maze like bar, making sure I didn’t see anyone I knew.

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